With the Adiabax WordPress connector you can synchronize your merchandise management system Advarics with any Woocommerce webshop.

Overview of WooAdvarics features
- Products marked as WebShop articles in Advarics are synchronized with WooCommerce (directly published in the webshop or as a draft)
- You can decide whether descriptions, images, prices and web shop categories should always be synchronized, only managed during product creation or directly managed in the online shopStock always updated (every time you sync)
- Size, color (inhouse and supplier), brands and Advarics extra attributes (Advarics Zugeordnete Attribute ) can be imported as Woocommerce attributes
- Webshop product names can be put together from the concatenation of individual Advarics data. Example brand – ArticleName – ArticleNo
- Choose whether Advarics articles with only one variation should be treated as WooCommerce simple products
- You can decide whether products / variants that are out of stock should be deleted from the webshop
- Extra texts (Advarics Zugeordnete Texte ) can be loaded as WooCommerce Tags
- Choose whether Advarics products with the same product number should be merged into a single Woocommerce product or whether the article Advarics structure should be maintained (one article -> one webshop product).
- Web shop orders are uploaded to the merchandise management system in real time; cancellations and refunds are also synchronized
- New webshop customers are imported in Advarics
- If you already have a Woocommerce webshop, use the reverse sync function to link your web products to existing Advarics products.
- Synchronization can be scheduled and executed as an automatic process; starting from every 10 minutes so that your webshop is always aligned with your management system
- Multilingual settings page– DE/EN/IT